Acupuncture Information
Ancient Path Acupuncture and Herbs
As you can see we have a lot of information on pressure points so I though it was only fitting to add some information on Acupuncture as well. My wife has been going to Ancient Path Acupuncture and Herbs and I though I would post to link to their site. My wife seems to be feel better and less stressful after her appointments. She has been getting needles as well as cupping.
Here is a brief snipit from thier site.
“With the purpose to help people become healthy in a more natural way and to make nondrug solutions the first choice in healthcare, Ancient Path was founded in 2001. We provided service of Chinese herbal consultation and acupuncture to the community of Lexington, MA and the neighbor towns.”
Please have a look at their site at
For more information on specific pressure points click here.