Pressure Points

Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System

List of Pressure Point Articles

Below is a list of pressure point articles that Master Lambert has created durring his life time of studying.
Pressure Point NameLinkStrike PointName Meaning
HichuView ArticleCV 22No English Translation
ShofuView ArticleSI 16wood cutter
TentoView ArticleGV 24the sun, providence
DokkoView ArticleTW 17independent
UtoView ArticleBetween GV 24 and GV 25.time flies like an arrow
JinchuView ArticleGV 26No English Translation
MikazukiView ArticleCV 23No English Translation
KoteView ArticlePC 3inner arm joint
Yun ChuanView ArticleK 1n/a
YakoView ArticleLV 9nite traveler
BiteiView ArticleSee Articletip of the coccyx
KintekiView Article CV 2, K 11, SXC 1bulls eye
TekoView ArticleSee Articlea covering or to cover
MyojyoView ArticleCV 6n/a
SonuView ArticleSee Articlebundle
TendoView ArticleGV 22dwelling place of the brain
KasumiView ArticleSee Articletemple
MimiView ArticleSee Articlethe ear itself
SeidonView ArticleST 1unknown
GenkonView ArticleCV 24the present or prevailing state of things
KeichuView ArticleGV 16concentration
Muyo BoneView ArticleLI 6n/a
FukutoView ArticleGB 31city of wind
Uchi Kuro BushiView ArticleK 6uchi-inside, kuro-suffering, bushi-warrior
KooriView ArticleLI 3simultaneously in two different directions
GaishohoView ArticleSee Articlen/a
Super Chi PointView ArticleSee Articlen/a
Shen MenView ArticleBL 62vessel of the house of shen

For some of the additional articles by Grand Master Lambert on Pressure Points please click here.