Category: Article

Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System

Naihanchi defense for one hand neck grab

Naihanchi defense for one hand neck grab

Naihanchi defense for one hand neck grab This is an oldy but goody from Master Moran on the use of Naihanchi kata pressure points and self defense. [su_youtube url=””] Please tell us your thoughs in the comments. For more Pressure Point Articles or Pressure Point Commentaries For more Master Moran Videos see his YouTube channel –…
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How can I learn combat pressure point striking? Part 4

The top rated tapes and DVD’s on the market today have pros as well as cons, which we will explore together to see what they have and what they lack. As many of you already know many of them are a complete waste of time as well as money. Others have value in differing ways.…
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How can I learn combat pressure point striking? Part 3

So far, we’ve looked, at many of the books and manuals, and also the pressure point web sites that appear on the world wide web. We’ve found that, we may pick up a scrap or two of information here and there, and if you read all the books and manuals and search through all the…
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How can I learn combat pressure point striking? Part 2

Years ago, when I got my first computer with internet access, I searched the net, typing in all the key words used for striking points in all of the martial arts. Words like, Dim Mak, Pressure Point, Vital Point, Poison Hand, pressure point striking and so on. At that time there were few web sites…
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How can I learn combat pressure point striking? Part 1

Many of you who practice in the martial arts, have an inner longing to learn how pressure point striking to the human anatomy works. Many have expressed the hope of acquiring the knowledge by one source or another. Many students from around the world have tried almost every resource out there to harness the abilities…
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Qi Gung, the lost art. Part 2

BASIC QI BREATHING EXERCISES Be peaceful and relaxed and silent in spirit. I personally like sitting Indian style, on a pillow or blanket. Sitting on a pillow or blanket will keep the back straight, which is very important for Qi to travel and circulate through out the body. Close your eyes gently, letting a little…
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Qi Gung, the lost art. Part 1

Once again the reason I titled this article Qi Gung (the lost art) is because instructors make this vital process in martial arts too complicated or don’t themselves know enough about it to make it easy to learn. In this article I will try to simplify the instructions, so you can start work on your…
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A word about the historic beginnings of vital points.

The Vital Points combat arts, has been misunderstood for many different reasons. One reason that needs to be acknowledged is that the early development of these art forms were created to destroy the enemy and the need to make these arts instinctual. Therefore in those days the combat arts were a lethal art. It was…
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Anatomy of Kamae

Attitudes and preparation for encounters We have all heard the word, in the Do-Jo, as a term used in the  practice of sparring or at sparring matches or at our local tournaments, But what does Kamae (Kam-I) mean? It is understood as a expression to signal alertness and to posture yourselves for action. In ancient…
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Principle of Weather and Time on Vital Points

In the past, ancient Chinese manuscripts have been written about how and when to strike vital points or a specific a pressure point. Contained in these writings, were twelve basic rules which most of the ancient systems strictly followed. Later, as the Chinese visited the Okinawa people, new manuscripts were written by Okinawan masters, but…
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