
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System



The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.


  • Name: Hichu , Translation none.
  • Striking point: Cv # 22
  • Location: This pressure point is located in the center of the lowest part of the Neck, in the hollow.
  • Strike direction: Straight in / downward curve or upwards.
  • Depth: Cv # 22, 0.5 to 1.5.       Cv # 23 0.3 to 0.5.
  • Vasculation: Superficially, the jugular arch and the Branch of the inferior thyroid artery. Deeper the trachea inferior and the Posterior artery of the sternum also the Inominate vein and the aortic arch.
  • Innervation: The anterior branch of the supraclavicular nerve.
  • Weapons: Cv #22, Single or double finger, spear Hand #23, fist, elbow, shuto, fist, Spearhand, also choke holds.
  • Special Technique: Rubbing the bone.
  • Strike time: Open time.
  • Effect: Suppressed wind pipe / stoppage of Breath / temporary stunning.
  • Result: Temporary stunning, slow death.
  • Cure: Depending on which fist is use, and level of ability,

Hichu pressure point


The human body was never designed to take a traumatic strike, and the neck is the most vulnerable part of it. The neck is the most unprotected area of the entire body. The area in the neck is bare and has only the dropped chin to cover or protect it. The martial art community has devised ways to help protect as well as counter protection in all events. Whether it be boxing martial arts or hand to hand combat tactical, the neck has always been one of the body’s primary targets.
Since the neck needs flexibility to turn right and left as well as up and down, it’s protection elements consists of little more than muscle and some cartilage in the middle of the front of the neck. A death strike may be accomplished at the front, back and sides of the neck extremely easily. Extra caution must be used when in practicing strikes to all areas of the neck.

Hichu is a vital area consisting of the central parts of the throat between governing vessel 22 and 23. This area has little to do with energy or acupunctural points but does have to do with damaging the vital workings of the throat. As we work our way up the center of the throat from cv # 22 to cv # 23 we find the jugular notch, trachea, thyroid gland, cricoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage and the superior thyroid notch.  The lightest tap with the outer edge of the hand, demonstrates the possibilities involved in a heavier blow to the throat. But first let us start by discussing cv # 22.
Hichu is located at base of the throat where you will find an indent between the right and left collarbone. If you were to press in to it quickly with a stiffened index finger, (just as a test) a rapid flight response would take place, and repel the recipient in a backward direction. This same reaction will escalate if:

  1. The direction is downwards or in an upwards direction,
  2. A two-fingering method or a (twisted finger strike)
  3. Along with using the technique called (rubbing the bone) found at the top of the sternum this combination will accelerate the response. As you engage the opponent.
  4. And along with a finger thrust, step on the opponent’s forward foot; he will fall backwards and to one side in the perfect position for a finishing technique.

Note that a strong Chi force will be needed to be focused to the finger or fingers that will be doing the striking. One finger is recommended for the push method, two fingers for the strike method.  Fore with just one finger it is possible to use a quick push method, which would cause less of an injury to the challenger than a twisted finger strike would. Using the push method, bring your index finger to the indent and press in and downward direction as you also use the method rubbing the bone as you do it slowly. The receiver will instantly move his head backwards the rest of the body following, if you are stepping on the toes of his forward leg he will himself suspended off balance.

Now practicing with the two fingers twisted, the same methods are used. The two-finger twisted strike is also preformed in a downward direction; remember that chi must be focused to the two fingers. With a partner strike no further than one half an inch away from the indent, this will cause little permanent damage. Use a heavy bag to increase the distends to achieve the speed and power for a deadly strike to this area. Do not use a partner.  Stepping on the forward foot, as well as an increase in the choking response may also cause damage to the ankle. The deadly type of strike is when the two-finger strike starts out from a distance so it can pick up speed and power. The key is how much Chi can you generate to your fingers so they won’t buckle when you strike.  Also your fingers should have a ever so slight curve to it, so that you won’t damage them. Practice on a heavy bag is the way to mastery of the powerful death strike. Mark a small point on the heavy bag, start it swaying and strike it with the right then the left hand. Mastery of this method of practice is the first step to achieving the power side of the strike when this is mastered, e-mail me for the next step.


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