
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System


fukuto Pressure Point


The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.


  • Name: Fukuto Fengshi -Gb # 31. Translation- city of wind.
  • Location: Fukuto, is located on the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, about seven cun above the transverse popliteal crease.
  • Direction: Perpendicular. Depth; 0.7 to 1.2.
  • Vasculation: The muscular branch of the circumflex femoral artery and vein.
  • Innervation: The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, and the muscle branch of the femoral nerve.
  • Indication: Used to cure pain and sensitivity in the thigh and lumbar region, paralysis of the Lower limbs, beriberi, general pruritus.
  • Weapon: A wide range of body weapon maybe used to activate this point Fists, kicks, knee, elbow and the like. A blunt weapon, high velocity, use of weaponry would be best.
  • Best time: To exacerbate effects in any case (healing or creating unbalance) hit at 11 pm to 1 am.
  • Element: Fukuto is a wood element, to exacerbate effects the metal meridians maybe hit before and earth maybe struck after, depending on the cycle you wish to used.
  • Technique: No special techniques are needed to activate Fukuto, other than a direct strike applied to The side of the thigh. Or a rolling technique can be used from the front.
  • Result: A strike to Gb # 31-Fukuto, will cause the muscle in the thigh to convulse, resulting in the loss of motor function in that leg, which would include a desire to lift the foot off the ground. Pain in the abdomen may cause the leg to rise along with the above effects. With a hard strike or best time or element cycles, a knockout is possible. There is a outside chance that death or delayed death maybe possible.
  • Cure: Rubbing or massaging Fukuto in and up and down or circular motion, along with (dim hsueh) stimulating Gb # 20.


The Gall bladder meridian is attached to the Liver which means that they communicate with each other. The main function is in the aid of the digestion process. When the gall bladder is functioning well, the Qi (energy) runs in a downwards flow. Illness can be determined by outward emotional changes in a patient and there will be changes in the Gall Bladder and liver as well. There maybe signs of irritability, depression along with constipation. A strike to the Gb meridian may show these illnesses and may go unnoticed until it becomes chronic. So if you practice striking points on the Gb meridian it would be wise to watch for these signs in your students as well as yourself. All Gb points may be used for self defense striking, and there are 44 that are of practical use.

On the lighter side when I was in Junior high school on the way from classes some kid would come out of no where and hit to the side of a another class mates thigh with his knee leaving his class mate there writhing in pain. With out knowing it we were learning one way to strike the pressure point, known as Fukuto (Gb # 31), and by the time we reached high school we got very good at delivering a surprise strike to Fukuto in a street fight, which unfortunately, there were plenty of!

The best way to find Fukuto point is to stand up straight in a open toe stance, place your hands against each side of you (body) thigh. The middle finger of each hand will naturally land on Gb # 31- Fukuto.

Fukuto is located, 9 inches (cun) down the outside of the leg from the hip socket, as well as seven inches (cun) up from the outside crease of the bend of the knee. Fukuto is where these to points meet, on the line between the greater trochanter of the femur and the head of the fibula. There the iliotibial tract (band) stretches the length of the thigh and it’s muscle, the tensor of the fascia lata, helps to keep the dense facial sheet taut, thereby assisting in the maintenance of the erect posture. This is some of the reason for the reaction which is stated above. Also the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is located there which may be responsible for phantom pains that may display itself hours later by way of rapid contractions in many cases.

The most difficult strike to preform is a Dim hsueh ( blood gate) strike to the circumflex artery, reducing or even stopping blood flow in the leg and eventually stopping all blood flow returning to the heart. This type of strike is very rare because the techniques used for blood gate strikes are very different than the common strikes. A blood gate strike can only be done with a PRESSING strike. This would take extraordinary strength in the hand or foot weapons. Death would take place in this case anywhere from 4 to 48 hours. But don’t worry, if you are reading this article you probably are about 10 years away from performing this technique after learning from a temple master.

All Gb meridians have the capability of producing various effects up to and including unconsciousness. The proper time of day or a certain temperature change or change in season can contribute to the out come, As well as transfer of Qi into or away from points which may enhance effects as well. Combinations of points can exacerbate the outcome. If all of the above were to be used at once, the effect can extend to the point of death or delayed death.

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