
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System



The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.


  • NAME: Myojyo translation-forbidden essential point, which is the classic Qi Gung-Dan Tien, Qi Hai, and acupuncture point, CV #6.
  • LOCATION: Classic martial arts on inch below the belly button. Acupuncture places it at 1.5 cun from navel. (note this paradox) all martial art charts Japanese, Okinawa and Chinese, place this point at one inch. Modern acupuncture places this point at 1.5 inches.
  • DIRECTION: Perpendicularly.
  • DEPTH: Acupuncture point, 0.8 to 1.2 inch, true Dan Tien depth three inches..
  • VASCULATURE: The branch of the superficial epigastria artery and vein and the branch of the inferior epigastria -artery and vein. The true Dan Tien is located in and behind the intestine.
  • INNERVATION: The anterior cutaneous branch of the eleventh intercostal nerve.
  • ORGAN: Intestine.
  • INDICATION: Abdominal pain, enuresis, nocturnal emissions, impotence, hernia, edema, diarrhea, dysentery, uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, morbid leucorrhea, post-partum hemorrhage, constipation, flaccid a type of apoplexy and asthma.
  • WEAPONS: Sharp hands and foot weapons, listed below
  • BEST TIME: Any time, day or night.
  • ELEMENT: Chinese-Japanese, Okinawa / None/ India -earth.
  • CHARKRA: India- Chakra number one (ei -CV# 6) true location, base of the spine center of the body, the Survival chakra.
  • TECHNIQUE: Turning or twisting and tremble type techniques. Strike after opponent is thrown to the ground.
  • RESULT: It may cause intestinal colic, a disorder which is painful and may lead to death in days. also stimulation to the abdominal arteries and nerves caused by severe shock to the small intestine and or bladder, along with severe change to blood circulation coupled with loss of motor functions. A heavy strike may cause internal bleeding. This point is listed as Fatal. A strike to Myojyo is fatal when the small intestines ruptures or the blood circulation reverses or stops or major arteries are ruptured or bladder pressure is produced.
  • CURE: In most cases, message or acupuncture in the case of a nerve strike. In the case of blood gate and or breach of the intestine, immediate surgery will be necessary.


Myojyo, ( CV # 6 ), may be translated from the Japanese tongue as, myo translated, forbidden (j) yo-essential point. Acupuncture charts place the location of the CV # 6 or Myojyo in the center of the Hypo-gastric region, one and a half inches under the umbilicus. There seems to be a persdox between the Masters; Funakoshi, Yokoyama, Sokon, Oshima, Gruzanski, Wu, Wang and Kim, who place the Dan Tian at one inch below the umbilicus. In India, the location of the Dan Tian is listed at one and a half inches. I know, this is starting to get confusing! This dissimilarity between the martial arts masters charts and modern acupuncture and Chakra charts may have come about because of the difference in the size of a male from the time of the writings and our modern day general human size. I personally place Myojyo at one and half inches down from the navel, in most cases.

When the Dan Tian is presented on the surface of the body, many Masters call this false Dan Tian. The true location of Dan Tian is directly within the intestine and just in front of the second lumbar vertebra, just below and in front of a point called Du # 4 or Mingman. If you locate your second lumbar vertebra and imagine a straight line running through your body to a point one and a half inches beneath your belly button and then imagine a second line running from the left hip to the right hip, in the place were the two lines cross is your true Dan Tian. The true location or Dan Tian is, to understand that a strike to CV #6, does not directly effect the true Dan Tian, it effects the nerves arteries veins which may have results that the martial arts masters have described as Dan Tian. I mean that the true Dan Tian is deeper than the 0.8 to the 1.2 inches found in acupuncture text books. It is the point that the masters are pointing to in the practice of Qi Gung. When they refer to Dan Tien they are referring to a place which lay three inches deeper in the intestines. To strike the true Dan Tien, the strike would be much deeper than the strike which the masters are referring. But both true and false Dan Tien lay on the same line from front to back on the human body. The only martial art technique that can effect the true Dan Tien is found in systems like trembling palm. Using energy drawing palm techniques. All other systems strikes are to the false Dan Tien The true Dan Tien is responsible in part for circulating the body’s life force or bioelectrical(+-) energies, produced in the intestinal tracked. A injury to the true Dan Tien may slow down or even stop production and circulation of this energy which is instantly fatal.

Also, the indications listed above, may turn up at any time after a strike to CV #6, the false Dan Tien and is even more devastating if the strike is deeper penetrating to the true Dan Tian. A sharp shaped hand or foot strike like the spear hand, one or two finger fist or a straight toe kick can be used for the strike to Myojyo’s false Dan Tien and is a primary target for a strike which you can see demonstrated as early as the first basic Kata in most systems of karate or Gung Fu. A fist strike is used when the Kata (forms) show the form of kneeling down on one knee or squatting and striking with a fist. Similarly a heel kick may be used after a throw or a take down too. The ground is used to stop any backward motion and prevents the impulse reaction of backing away from the blow.

The element theory doesn’t apply to this point along with the best striking time. Which means that the point can be hit along with any other point at any time. But in India, this same point or Chakra has a element, which is earth and can be coupled with other points, according to India’s element tradition, which translates to, BL #31-34, See Kundalini and the Chakras and wheels of life.


We can deduce that Myojyo consists of two Dan Tien’s, first the false Dan Tien CV# 6 which is found about 0.8 inches below the surface of the body and is used by the Grand majority of the martial arts community and the true Dan Tien which is found in front of the backbone and behind the intestine and is the domain of arts similar to Trembling Palm. The false Dan Tien is the pressure point that all the karate master are referring to along with the majority of Gung Fu masters. But I guess the real question is which pressure point is more dangerous?

This question can only be answered in this way, it depends on your personal skill level and the martial art you personally practice. The hard system whether karate or Gung Fu, have little ability to effect the true Dan Tien. Similarly the soft systems are in the same position as the hard styles. Only the system that learn how to transfer and withdraw energy can effect the true Dan Tien. In the majority of cases the False Dan Tien Myojyo ( CV# 6) is the pressure point to concentrate on. The above application is dedicated to this end.
But a strike to the true Dan Tien effects the body quit differently. This type of strike effects a total shut down of all organs of the human body. In any case both can cause death but one is a sure thing and the other has many possibilities, other than death. That is why the true Dan Tien has been left out of discussion in most charts and in most system un-learned. Also the level of training is very long and high. And few Master have this ability.

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