
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System


kote pressure point inner arm


The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.


  • Name: Kote. Translation- Inner arm joint. Accupoint Per # 3 name quze meaning, crooked walk.
  • Location: On the inner crease of the elbow (find the center of the crease, and move inward toward the body one half cun.)
  • Strike direction: Perpendicular.
  • Depth: 0.5 to 0.7 cun
  • Vasculation: towards the inside of the brachial artery and vein.
  • Innervation: The median nerve
  • Element: Fire, and is a Yin point.
  • Best Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
  • Weapons: Hammer fist, Dagger, elbow, with twisting technique.
  • Special Technique: Combined with a twisting motion to raise up the median nerve, a hooking or curved strike can be more effective to the final outcome desired.
  • Result :Fainting is the most common result, but combined with other element points, may result in death or delayed death ( Dim Mak). Causes the heart stop, deterioration of the entire heart system over a span of years.
  • Cure: In the case of fainting, the person hit should wake up on his own. In the case of a Dim Mak strike see and acupuncture doctor immediately. But the only way to know if you have been hit with a Dim Mak strike is there will be an agonizing stinging feeling after the strike acures.

Kote pressure point


Kote, in eastern medical terms is one of the points in the pericardium meridian of the hand Jueyin and shao yang (Triple energy meridian). And is called, Quze ( he-sea) or Pc #3. It is located on the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii.

Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitations, febrile disease, irritability, stomachache, vomiting, pain in the elbow and arm tremor of the hand and arm. Method of puncture, perpendicular 05 to 07 cun (inch) or prick with three edged needle to cause bleeding. Moxibustion is applicable.

WARNING; This is a very dangerous point. May effect the purity of the hearts function, with just a knock out strike. The over all health of the individual should always be considered before practicing any pressure point, but any pericardium point is specially dangerous because the damage to the heart maybe undetectable for many years, and in this care, treatment would come much to late. For this reason, many systems will not teach any of their students pericardium point strikes until the student reaches a high level of rank. At about 3rd dan level a trusted student would be given the hammer fist strike to add to his arsenal.

One of the first strikes which is shown to students of many systems, the hammer fist strike, is as follows. When the opponents arm is rising upwards, (as in a upper cut), turn your stance to the outside and strike with the hammer fist. If done correctly he will at least become faint. The Dagger and the Elbow strikes are more dangerous than the hammer fist strike. The dagger strike is able to reach deeper into the arm to do more damage than the hammer fist. Where the hammer fist strike generates energy in a wide fashion, the dagger is more of a direct strike to the median nerve for Dim Mak. Therefore the elbow has a lesser effect than the dagger and the hammer fist lesser than the elbow. So it would be safer to start learning with the hammer fist.

Since the Kote pressure point is in the pericardium meridian it is one of three fire points, it may be amplified by striking points of the water meridians, namely, small intestines and bladder meridian points. Primarily the most remote points from Kote and are points which should be hit before Kote. Metal points can be hit after Kote the Lung and large intestine meridian point. Some Points out side of the element theory may also be use like Pc #6, K# 21, Lu #5, Cv# 12 and H #3 all having a variety of effects ranging from knock out to death.

A word to the wise, the Kote strike, in the hands of a master, is one of those mysterious points that a touch from the masters hand can kill. Now that I have let this cat out of the bag, it is possible that, quit by accident, you may kill your practice partner in 30 years with out knowing it! Use the hammer fist to start. It is a fairly safe strike. Use restraint but strike with accuracy. When some time goes by, and you can use the hammer fist strike in a combat situation, train the elbow as well. The dagger strike will take some additional training that you will have to learn by way of a masters help.

The key to figuring out this point or any other point is WHY it worked when it worked and WHY it didn’t work when it didn’t. That will teach you more about the points than any of us can. How can you tell if a point strike is working or not? The keys are, rolling eyes, color of the skin, body language, and sometimes color of the tongue.

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