
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System


uto pressure point center forehead


The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.


  • Name: Uto or Miken. Uto is Defined as time flies like an arrow: Miken defined as the middle of the forehead, the brow.
  • Strike point: This is not an acupuncture point. On the Governing Vessel (GV) meridian between Gv #24 and Gv #25.
  • Location: One half inch above Eye Bridge, between the eyes.
  • Direction: Varies between styles, and depends on weapon used.
  • Depth: Penetration 3.3 cun.
  • Vasculation: Anterior temporal artery/ frontal artery and vein.
  • Innervation: Frontal nerve.
  • Technique: Blunt to semi sharp / most used strike hollow hammer and palm heel, single finger, double finger.
  • Special techniques: Trembling palm.
  • Best strike time: 11pm to 1am.
  • Effect: Rupture of the sense and motor organs, because of stimulation of the brain nerves caused by severe shock to the cerebrum. Swollen face, damage to the eyes, possible nose bleeds.
  • Result: Moderate attack dizziness or possible unconscious / heavy attack fracture of the neck, instant death by means of cracking the skull and or destroying the brain itself.
  • Cure: No cure in the case of a heavy attack, a light attack, use massage along with herbs. If there is no response, the attacker has been hit sufficiently he will die anyway.

Uto pressure point


This strike is the first strike in which I used a palm heel strike to the forehead, which produced unconsciousness to my opponent in a sparring match. Yes this leads me to tell you the whole story. In the early years of my training, I had read in an old hard cover Karate book that a strike to the forehead with the palm heel of the hand would cause dizziness or unconsciousness, in one blow! Like all students I wondered if it would work for me, if I needed it? But there was really no way to know other than striking a person with it, but this was not morally allowed inside or outside the Do Jo. So I never really knew if it would work or not. The old book fully explained the methods involved in striking to the forehead using the palm heel with a downward motion.

Much later I used it in kurmite practice against a fellow student and knocked him silly. Now in the early 60’s, there were no sparring gear used in Do Jo’s and two people performing sparring exercise, were expected to strike lightly and not cause any damage to his sparring partner. As I remember, the match, I was doing slightly better than he was as far as number of target hits. My techniques were slightly smoother than my partners as well. When out of nowhere I was hit very hard with a spinning back fist to the front of the Jaw, which split my lip. Now beginners have a difficult time controlling the power when using this technique. It just pissed me off. Like all beginners, once you find a way in to your opponent you do the same technique again, and my partner did just that, striking for the second time with a spinning back fist to my nose, causing me to bleed from a second area. All this time I wondered two things, One, how come the head instructor, didn’t tell my partner to control the power of his spinning back fist strikes? Two, why was he allowed to cause damage to me? I wondered, should I do damage back? I new only two possible techniques to counter a spinning back fist, one was as he starts the spin, he would become momentarily blind for a moment and at that very moment I could counter by striking to the back or to the side and the other was to duck the back fist and strike to the front of the body. So the next time my partner tried to perform the spinning back fist, I was ready and out of nowhere I ducked the spinning back fist and hit my opponent with a firm palm heel strike to the forehead using a downward motion. My partner dropped his hands; slowly he became dizzy and started following to the floor. I was very happy about that but the instructor wasn’t He said to me, what did you do that for? I got a little pissed and said, I was getting my &^&% kicked I got a bloody nose and a spit lip and you did nothing so I did, he just smiled. But be sure that I did get punishment exercises!

So, on the very first try, I got the proper reaction out of the use of a technique which I Comprehended from a book! I call this strike among others an old mans technique, because it is one of a number of techniques, which, may be accomplished easily by beginners and or the elderly. An old martial artists will not be able to do what he once did but be sure that he has an arsenal of techniques that can be accomplished with less effort on his part and achieve enormous success, and this strike is one of them.

Uto, in my experience is not a pressure point in the normal sense; although Uto strikes upon the Governing vessel between two points, GV 24 and GV 25, entering energy serves little purpose although striking upon the GV meridian at the proper time (11pm to 1am) can have some effect. Also the element theory and the Yin Yang theory are of no useful purpose as well for the same reason. There are also veins arteries and nerves in the area of the strike zone, which I believe, have some trivial purpose in the outcome. They are the anterior temporal artery and the frontal artery and vein along with the frontal nerve. The anterior temporal and frontal arteries are used to feed many muscle of the upper face and the frontal nerve running from the Gasserian ganglion to the supra orbital and on to the forehead and on to the scalp. It may be that the frontal nerve could have some effect but not enough to have the type of results listed above. The strike landing on Uto, which is the part of the skull called, the glabella, which is separated in two by the frontal suture. A concussive blow through this frontal suture will impact the frontal lobe of the brain. The shock may influence the entire front lobe. This alone could cause all the above effects listed.

The most popular weapon used in the martial systems for striking Uto is as I stated above, the Palm heel strike. The palm heel needs little special training or hardening. Which makes it useful to beginners as well as advanced players. The delivery of this strike is exactly like throwing a fastball. The palm heel should not be delivered with a ridged hand or arm. When cocking the arm back the hand itself should be relaxed and the fingers should be limp and the tips pointing down slightly, this is called the Yin position hand. As the arm is propelled forwards (the fastball throw), the hand should form into a relaxed cup shaped hand that almost looks like a straight finger strike. When the finger tips touch the upper forehead of the challenger, then the heel of the hand quickly and powerfully snaps downwards, hitting the intended target Uto. This form is called the Yang hand position.

This is the basic strike preformed with the palm heel, which is all you need to know to perform and have great effect. There are additional techniques as well as methods that may be added to this palm heel strike which will add to it more of a damaging effect. The hips can be twisted back slightly as you cock the palm and propel forward as the heel of the palm strikes its target. Also a negative Qi, maybe transmitted out of the center of the palm (PC #8) into the target were the governing vessel is located. This technique preformed at the proper time 11 pm to 1 am, will also add other complications. But to transmit Qi will take a lot of training of Qi Gong also Nai Gong, as well as the study of weather, seasons and time. Also a technique that is used with Uto by a special division of the soft style systems is called the trembling palm technique. This technique is an additional technique that is used with the palm heel strike. The technique that I have illustrated above causes a single shock to Uto and therefore the frontal lobe.
This type of strike can,

1. send a shock wave into the brain, which may cause dizziness.
2. Snap the neck backwards, which may cause a concussion.
3. Cause the whole of the brain to be jerked forwards causing the brain to crash into the skull causing severe damage, Possibly death according to the amount of power used in the strike.

The trembling palm technique causes a triple shock wave to enter the skull cavity and therefore the brain. In this type of strike, the normal brains mass is the equivalent to a mass of jelly. The trembling palm strike sends multiple shock waves into the brain causing the brain to become more liquid, destroying the brain completely. The trembling palm technique is a very advanced technique, and extremely hard to do. I will fully explain how the trembling palm systems strike works in an up and coming article.

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