
Pressure Points of the Martial Combat System


jinchu pressure point under nose


The drills and techniques depicted on this web site are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. It is not the intention of the author or the publisher to encourage readers to attempt any of the dills or techniques illustrated.

Striking points are given to you, the reader, for educational purposes only and must never be practiced or attempted with out proper professional instruction from a certified Master Instructor of Fifth Dan rank or above. Striking to any part of the head or body may result in, illness, disability, or even death to its receiver. For the reason that point striking may become deadly, you must receive one on one instruction from a Master Instructor who will work with you daily. A one-day experience, or videotape, or book can not give you the experience needed. The members of the National Institute of Pressure Point arts, the author, the web site, and the publisher, disclaim any legal liability of any type, and will not be held responsible for any damages, illnesses or deaths received by the reckless delivery of blows of any kind to any part of the head, body or appendages. The author, publisher and web site owners disclaim liability from damages received by the above.

This web site is for informational purposes only.
This commentary has been written and produced by Master Leonard Paul Lambert, And may not be reproduced with out written permission of Master Lambert and or the National institute of pressure point arts.

CAVITY #8 Jinchu

  • Name: Jinchu also named Jodon; there is no translation in English.
  • Strike point: Governing vessel # 26.
  • Location: A little above midpoint of the philtrum, just under the nostrils.
  • Direction of strike: Straight in then turn upward, or obliquely upward.
  • Depth: 0.3 to 0.5.
  • Vasculation: The superior labial artery and vein.
  • Innervation: The buccal branch of the facial nerve, and the branch of the Infraorbital nerve.
  • Technique: Blunt to chopping/ best strike palm heel, shuto, and one knuckle fist. A firm push or press will activate this point as well.
  • Element: None.
  • Qi flow: Downwards, pressure placed against the flow of energy.
  • Other techniques: Maybe combined with other pressure point and many other techniques, like snapping and twisting.
  • Best strike time: Anytime of day or night.
  • Effect: Loss of function of the motor sense’s organs and brain.
  • Result: In the case of a heavy blow death / in the case of a lighter blow pain and or fainting, bloody nose, broken cartilage or bone. Also used for compliance, copied with other
  • Cure: In the case of a heavy strike, no known cure, in a light attack message the Muscles and use herbs

Jinchu pressure point


It has been said that many of the points found on the centerline of the human body are some of the most damaging of all the vital points. This fact becomes obvious when observing the guarding techniques used in all martial systems. Why is the centerline so well guarded in battle? Because Gv as well as Cv meridians, are two of the most sensitive meridians in the human body, which means that many of the pressure points of those two meridians, have no need for a secondary strike. Gv # 26 one of the centerline vital points, is a very usable vital point dew to its sensitivity and proximity. Jinchu, also is a very good set up point and will work with many other points to multiply damage.

The Governing Vessel meridian also called the DU meridian, which Gv # 26 is a part, rises out of the lower abdomen and emerges from the perineum (1) then it runs posterior along the interior of the spinal column (2) to Fengfu (GV 16) at the nape of the neck, where it enters the brain (3) It further ascends to the vertex (4) and winds along the forehead to the column Ella of the nose (5). The coalescent points of the GV meridian are Fengmen (B #12) and Huiyin (CV # 1).
GV # 26, medical name Shuigou, is located a little above the philtrum, near the nose. The medical indications for the use of GV # 26 are, mental disorders, epilepsy, hysteria, infantile convulsion, coma, apoplexy-faint, trismus, deviation of the mouth and eyes, puffiness of the face, pain and stiffness of the lower back.

I list these indications for the reason that; in the case of a super powerful blow there is a remote possibility that these indications may surface, if Jinchu is struck these indication maybe added to the above effects. It is widely believed that in the average martial artists hands that this strike is not at all deadly. In fact it is viewed by experts in the field, that Jinchu is a low risk strike and is very useful for control of an attacker. That the most likely damage caused by a strike to Jinchu is, pain that may distract the opponent from his own attack.

A more accurate view of the possible damages cause in the striking of Jinchu is, if struck with a moderate strike it maybe viewed in this way. Jinchu could be pushed as a compliance technique causing some temporary pain (distracting him from the attack), along with possible bleeding from the nostrils. A heavier strike may cause all the above and a possible fracture to the maxillary bone and or separation of the cartilage of the nasal bone. At master level, a precise strike may cause a separation to the internasal suture and therefore possibly driving one or both sides of the bone upwards possibly into the frontal lobe of the brain, shocking the brain. If the initial strike lands slightly to one side or the other, a facture to the maxilla will result in unconsciousness and or concussion along with shock from loss of blood. This in turn can block the airway and cause death. It is also possible that a palm strike may transfer Qi out from Pc # 8 (Qi Gong train would be required) and disrupt the brain chemistry, shocking the brain and the spinal cord. This process may have a number of ill effects to the thinking ability and the nervous systems.

GV # 26 may be used in combination with other pressure points. An example of the use of GV # 26 in a combination will be described for you as an escape from a headlock, which I teach to my students. If you ask my student Scott (on this web site) about this combination, he can give you first hand explanations of the effects of a light strike to Jinchu, when used in combination, with just one other strike.

As an opponent puts you in a right side headlock, you must (1) place your left leg just behind the attacker right leg, trapping his leg from movement backwards and later you may want to use your knee to stop your opponent from falling down completely. (2) Reaching over the attackers right shoulder, press with a circular motion, upwards, on Jinchu using your left hand crane’s wing or shuto, pressing or striking. Continue the movement by pushing the opponent backwards-downwards till his hindquarter rest on your knee. This will bend the opponent, stretching the attackers body, which in turn will stretch the muscles, nerves and veins in his legs there fore exposing the meridians especially at the region of the hips. (3) Use your right hand to strike the attackers left hip area, using a hollow hammer fist strike, at the place were two meridians come close together (refer to chart), Liver # 12 (Jimai) and spleen # 13 (Fushi). Jimai will alone cause death but a light strike may cause weakness of the legs along with stomach cramping and short term breathing problems. Fushi May cause death as well by affecting the heart lungs and kidneys if the strike is heavy enough. A lighter strike will drain energy from the body. The combination of these to strikes will cause great shock, to an attacker and he will yelp, even with a light strike! If this strike is heavy (when I use the term HEAVY, what is meant is the use of the dead arm method see article) the liver meridian is of the wood element family and the spleen meridian is of the soil element family, this means that the Liver Meridian has control over the spleen meridian and will result in the imbalance of energy in that the spleen may be robbed of its energy by the Kidney. This can causes sickness or even death, when they are hit at the very same time. With out the uses of Jinchu to stretch out the hip area a light strike will do little to nothing.

Jinchu, can be used to control the enemy. Try escaping from that same head lock, after pressing GV # 26, push the point away from you to the left after the opponent is bent back, move your body around the back of the attacker as you slide your arm around the attacker neck, to perform a head lock with the attackers body, bent backwards in front of you. The opponent is now bent backwards and as long as your head lock-chock hold is tight, this can be a final move. Alternatively, you may apply another technique.

Like all the vital points on the centerline, front or back Jinchu maybe manipulated at any time of the day or night. The is no time that is better than another. The reason is that there is no time when the energy flow through the Governing Vessel is delicate.


I have demonstrated two possible uses for Jinchu; one was used for compliance the second as a singular strike, used for compliance, which is quit effective on it own.
Jinchu can be useful in a wide variety of defensive and offensive possibility’s ranging from, out right attack, diversion, compliance and take down’s. The effects range from pain, loss of function of the motor sense of the organs and brain. The possibility of a range of illnesses is extremely wide. They may incorporate and or result in the case of a heavy blow, death / in the case of a lighter blow pain. In addition, it maybe used for submission techniques, copied with other techniques. The cure rate involved with a strike to Jinchu is, in the case of a heavy strike is vaguely possible with medical help and in a light attack message and the use of herbal treatment is a high possibility. Jinchu works well with every other point. That is why all most all the Asian vital point charts contain the Jinchu point.

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